Thursday, March 3, 2011

Issue #2 -Offshore Outsourcing.

We Americans have been losing our jobs to people across the ocean, on a different land. Our highly skilled workers who deserve the job now have to look high and low, to find a job in their catagory that will hopefully be at the same wage as what they were making before. So our leaders of corporations are finding ways to scam money in to their pockets by using people who will work the same job for $2.00 an hour. What this problem could lead to is that our Budget deficit could increase dramatically and because we are spending way more than we should be outside of the corprations. Another problem would be our National Debt because our government could be spending money we don't have, because we would have no jobs.

I am against this issue because we need jobs here so our national debt doesn't go up. If corporations would use highly skilled workers like us Americans we would be much more prosperous because we would actually have high quality products that people would want to buy, which would lead to more spending but people would have the jobs to be able to pay for it and it would keep the companies up and running because they would have the money to pay their workers and bring in innovation. Barak Obama has the same belief's in that catagory, because he isn't going to give any of those companies overseas a tax break.

Issue #1 tax cuts
Issue #3 Budget Deficit and Social Security

Friday, January 21, 2011

MLK's daughter won't lead organization he founded

The Rev. Bernice King says she will not assume the presidency of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. King was elected in October 2009 to lead the organization co-founded by her father, the Rev. Martin Luther King Junior, more than 50 years ago. Soon after, the SCLC's chairman was accused of financial mismanagement, and bitter infighting among the group's leaders landed the split factions in a courtroom.King said Friday that she is shifting her attention to furthering her mother's legacy after dedicating "an exhaustive amount of time, energy and resources to assess the organization and prepare for my transition."She says her vision did not align with that of the SCLC board. She notified board leadership of her decision on Thursday.
I think that is ok of her. The whole thing seemed kinda like it was a scam now.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

'Wall of water' swamps another Australian town

A surging river that crested Thursday flooded and isolated a new community as Australia's flood disaster continued. The flooding in Kerang, in the southeast state of Victoria, strained a levee serving as the main protection between the muddy waters and residents' homes.It follows weeks of massive flooding in northeastern Queensland that the government says could be the nation's most expensive natural disaster ever.
Overflowing rivers swamped an area larger than France and Germany combined, shut down much of Queensland's lucrative coal industry and left 30 people dead. Walls of water miles wide are surging across northern and western Victoria in the wake of record rainfall last week. Sixty-two Victorian towns have already been affected by rising waters and more than 3,500 people have evacuated their homes.
More than 1,000 residents in Kerang did not evacuate and are isolated. A recently built levee is keeping the water from their homes, according to the paper.Authorities have had to conduct more than 150 rescues after residents ignored advice not to go near the rising water, the newspaper reported
What is happening is Australie is a tradegy They are all helpless because the levee broke lose in Kerang. The people of Australia do not know what to do about the situation. So all they can do know is wait for help, and wait for the flood to die down.
More than 100 suspected members and associates of seven Mafia families were arrested Thursday in what the FBI described as the biggest organized crime round-up in New York history. Significant leaders of the Gambino, Genovese, Lucchese, Bonanno and Colombo families and also the DeCavalcante of New Jersey were among those arrested.The reputed head of New England's Patriarca crime family, Luigi Manocchio, was also arrested in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.A newly unsealed indictment accuses Manocchio of collecting protection payments from owners of strip clubs. Also arrested was Thomas Iafrate, who worked as a bookkeeper for Providence strip clubs. Prosecutors allege he set aside money for Manocchio.
Iafrate was expected to appear in U.S. District Court in Providence later on Thursday. The U.S. Attorney's office would not say if there were other Rhode Island arrests. "Early this morning FBI agents along with our law enforcement partners began arresting over 100 organized crime members for various criminal charges," said Diego Rodriguez, the FBI's special agent in charge in New York.
I think that was great on the FBI's part. Now there won't be as high of a crime rate in that area. There will be more closing of strip clubs. The people of New York won't have to deal with there families worrying about violence as much.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gas explosion rocks Philadelphia neighborhood

An explosion in a gas main in northeast Philadelphia spawned a three-alarm fire that left one person dead and five injured and prompted evacuation of several dozen residents. Fire dispatchers said a gas and water main break was reported at 6900 Torresdale Avenue in the Tacony neighborhood at about 7:19 p.m. ET Tuesday, and an explosion occurred at about 8:30 p.m. The dramatic blast blast was caught on tape by an NBC Philadelphia videographer. Dozens of people were evacuated from nearby homes and businesses, according to NBC Philadelphia.The cause of the blast was not immediately known. Authorities said the fire was brought under control just before 11 p.m. Dispatchers said the body of a Philadelphia Gas Works employee reported unaccounted for earlier was being taken to the medical examiner's office.

What happened was terrible. How don't they know what really happened? Gas works should be sued for what had happened. Those people did not deserve to have that happen to him. But what do you do, Gas Works should be closed down in that area until they find out what malfunction occured.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pirates seized record 1,181 hostages in 2010

Pirates took a record 1,181 hostages in 2010 as ship hijackings in waters off Somalia escalated, a global maritime watchdog said Tuesday. Attackers seized 53 vessels worldwide last year — all but four off the coast of Somalia — according to the International Maritime Bureau's piracy reporting center in Kuala Lumpur.The number of hostages and vessels taken "are the highest we have ever seen" since the center began monitoring attacks in 1991, its director, Pottengal Mukundan, said in a statement. "The continued increase in these numbers is alarming," he said.The Somali attacks accounted for 1,016 hostages held for ransom, the center said. Somali pirates are currently holding 31 vessels and 713 crew members of various nationalities after hijacking another four ships so far this year, it said.

This is absurd , how can we be letting this happen. How didn't we hear about this on the news, are we that mindless where we do not pay attention to 1,181 hostages taken in on year. To me this is something that need to be taken care of and soon.

'I wake up screaming': A Gitmo nightmare

It has been two years since the Pakistani Islamic scholar left Guantanamo Bay. After six-and-a-half years of imprisonment as a suspected enemy combatant he was released without being convicted and without an explanation. According to accounts by Madni and others, his experience involved torture, extraordinary rendition across several continents and five years at the U.S. prison in Cuba. Mohammed Burki, Madni's physician in Pakistan, describes his patient as a deeply troubled man who is "still far far away from being normal again."Madni now suffers from a catalogue of ailments, including migraines, paranoia, depression, panic attacks and temper tantrums, Burki told NBC News. "Before I could treat any of those, I had to try and get him off the morphine," says Burki, who treated Madni for two years after his release. "TheAmericans had made an addict out of him.The CIA and the U.S. military did not respond to multiple requests for comment on Madni's detention and subsequent release. The United States has explicitly denied torturing detainees.
I really do not know what to say to this article, but in Quantanamo Bay be detained should be enough. What mad this man an adict; what happened to his brain that made him so different. I believe that the detainees did torture him. I think keeping someone in Guantanamo without any conviction of a crime is totally wrong. The people who tortured the man deserve to b kept and the person who put him there deserves it to.