Friday, December 17, 2010

Mom killed while demanding justice for slain teen

Gunmen have killed a mother protesting in front of the governor's office in northern Mexico to demand justice for her slain daughter. State prosecutor Jorge Gonzalez says the three masked men pulled up in a car and shot Marisela Escobedo Ortiz.Escobedo had been protesting for three days in front of the governor's palace in Chihuahua. She had been campaigning for justice in the killing of her teenage daughter since a judge exonerated the main suspect in April.Seventeen-year-old Rubi Frayre Escobedo's body was found dismembered and burned in 2008. Her live-in boyfriend had been charged with her murder.Gonzalez said Friday that Escobedo was killed Thursday night.
I do not understand this whole ordeal. But why would it be such a big deal for her to fight for the right of her loved one. Did somebody feel that she was on to something when she was protesting? Because they must have. The person who shot her must have been really nervous that they were going to get caught with the murder. In the end they found out that the murder was done by her own boyfriend. What gave him the urge to do that?

House sends tax-cut compromise to president

A massive bipartisan tax package preventing a big New Year's Day tax hike for millions of Americans is on its way to President Barack Obama for his signature. The measure would extend tax cuts for families at every income level, renew jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed and enact a new one-year cut in Social Security taxes that would benefit nearly every worker who earns a wage.
In a remarkable show of bipartisanship, the House gave final approval to the measure just before midnight Thursday, overcoming an attempt by rebellious Democrats who wanted to impose a higher estate tax than the one Obama agreed to. The vote was 277-148, with each party contributing an almost identical number of votes in favor (the Democrats, 139 and the Republicans, 138). Opposed were 112 Democrats and 36 Republicans.
I think if Obama signe the package; the workers of our union would benefit tremendously. What the package consists of is extended tax cuts for families of any income level, and renew jobless benefits for the long term unemployed and enact a new one year cut in social security. All of those things together will give people mroe money to take care of themselves by being able to pay their own bills and they could also have extra money for leisure time.