Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Alaska Senate race is one big mystery

So who's winning in the Alaska Senate Race? Right now the leader is "write-in candidates."
With 76 percent of votes recorded, the "write-in" option was leading with 41 percent of the vote. Republican Joe Miller was receiving 34 percent and Democrat Scott McAdams was at 24 percent.
Incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski, beaten by Miller in the GOP primary, launched a write-in campaign. Under election rules, the write-in ballots aren't initially counted for individual candidates.If the write-in option wins or comes within 1 percentage point of the top vote-getter, the ballots will be individually evaluated to determine which names voters wrote in. That process could take weeks.

That process will take way too long, I hope that their is another solution for them to use, because who is going to run their state? Is it going to be their same Senater? I think if the votes are already set in stone, they should take what they have and go from their.

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